My Blogs

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2024-11-21 14.30
Reflections on the REFLECT International Conference: Bridging Research and Dialogue in Sibiu
Reflections on the REFLECT International Conference: Bridging Research and Dialogue in Sibiu This...
A Day in Transit: Fulbright Dispatches from the “Slowly Moving Insane Asylum”
It began in the darkness, as many surrealist journeys do. At 6:45 a.m., I boarded a boat in Sulina, the...
Letea: A Beautiful Village with an Unwelcoming Heart
Letea, a quaint village in the Danube Delta, had been on my list of must-visit places. Known for its...
Discovering Periprava: A Journey to the Edge of Romania
Discovering Periprava: A Journey to the Edge of Romania Continuing my Fulbright...
2024-11-15 14.51
A Journey to Sfiștofca: A Forgotten Village in the Danube Delta
A Journey to Sfiștofca: A Forgotten Village in the Danube Delta Embarking...
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