My Blogs

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Climate Refugees: The Escalating Crisis of Forced Migration Due to Environmental Changes
The phenomenon of climate change, with its far-reaching impacts on the natural environment, is increasingly...
The Role of Non-state Actors in Modern Conflicts: Mercenaries, Militias, and More
In the complex tapestry of modern warfare, the role of non-state actors has become increasingly prominent...
Space Debris and Orbital Traffic Management: The Challenges of a Crowded Cosmos
As humanity’s endeavors in space have increased over the decades, so too has the proliferation...
The Global Water Crisis: Potential for Conflict and Opportunities for Cooperation
Water, a resource fundamental to all life, has become a source of growing concern on the global stage....
Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Regime: Japan
The discourse on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation is critical to global security studies, particularly...
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